Sunday, October 10, 2010

Moving Blast Wallpaper

Madaglioni 10-10-10

finally I've delivered, and show them "in all their glory"! (... Modesty does not kill me in this case, did Claudia ????).

have actually been a lot of work: I cut by hand with the tunnel 52 oval wood, I've drilled, sanded, given a pair of golden hands to the bottom, paintings and writings! ... Not to mention the lanyard to hang around his neck, the cellophane bags cut to size e. .. paint the box!

The lady who commissioned them to me (the design she chose him) was very happy the result, now have been distributed to guests at her reception e. .. I hope I bring more work! See you soon, I'm painting a canvas with a sky and a phrase written (not easy, is 50 x 50!)


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