Friday, September 24, 2010

Lab 5 Ap Bio Cell Resipration Answers

Cartonnage, mon amour !!!!! Tags

Yes, really!! I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating three-dimensional objects, starting from flat cardboard, paper or fabric glue e. .., so much glue! And when I got a text message from my friend Claudia :-... and 8 October will be an exhibition "pink" (Charity) Remember?! I count on you for at least a piece !!!.....- Ops, it's true, I had proposed at least three months ago !!!!!!

So I decided on a draft board in fact, I had seen in a booklet of cardboard and always put off: a suitcase, not small (24x29x8), covered with fabric, with closures and handle metal.
I must say that the result satisfies me, I'll put in an album ... Rose, and a couple of my card with Tilda (the cards are still in my head!). I put a little 'pictures .....

..... the last picture has nothing to do with cardboard, but is proof that I have almost learned to use the tunnel electric, now I do not stop anymore!! See you soon! Pat


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