Thursday, June 17, 2010

How To Tie Converse Doubles

training course with classroom , one to one counseling for women entrepreneurs and direct experience of Catanzaro

It's called''Women and business: promoting women entrepreneurs of Catanzaro, "is a project organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro. This project outlines a training program aimed at entrepreneurs, members, managers techniques employed and firms with a majority of female participation and the province of Catanzaro.

The topic of this training course is:''techniques of cost control 'and there is the aim of increasing skills management of operations, facilitating the correct determination of business costs, control profitability and economic planning.

The course includes a first phase of classroom training and coaching in the form of a second laboratory where students will be involved, with the assistance of the teacher, the direct testing of the lessons learned in the classroom in the form of advice one to one.

For tax advice, however, we invite you to visit our accountant.


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