Saturday, June 14 The second group was found to close this year's activities pending the scout camps. The afternoon was based on the activity which he is affiliated to the National Working Group dealing with the ' HOME . The game is divided into five bases, pupils were able to obtain material to break down the wall that divides us from others with a heavy brick wall DIVISION ethnocentrism, DISCRIMINATION INTOLERANCE, RACISM , EXCLUSION, CLASH, ISOLATION, CLOSING and INJURY.
At the end of the game, having learned many interesting things this wall was knocked down but not without many difficulties. After that there was a hearty snack with typical dishes of the place of origin of our parents.
To see photos of the day, click on the image below!
And to see more, click HERE !

Branco Lupetti the holidays are getting closer and closer and we look forward to seeing adventures that await us!
! You soon!
! You soon!