(68,346 pop.) is the provincial capital of the western cusp of Sicily. Has ancient origins, was the ancient port of Erice. It stands on a peninsula in the shape of a sickle from which the greek name "Drepanon" scythe. He has had considerable development age Aragon on (XIV sec.) owing to maritime trade with Spain. Tuna fishing, coral and sea-salt production, have resulted in centuries, the economy of this city. The production of tiles and especially the coral working the highly artistic, some works can be seen in the Museum Pepoli. The important events are: Good Friday procession, during which they bring to the streets of old, twenty groups of statues in wood representing the Passion of Christ, the work of local artists and artisans made the seventeenth century. onwards, the "July Trapanese" music festival dedicated to opera. Hosted in the fall of 2005, races of the "Louis Vuitton Cup." Ferry and hydrofoil service linking the port of Trapani to the Aegadian and Pantelleria. During the tourist season will dock many cruise ship whose passengers are devoted to visiting the city or the province. Emergencies artists are: The Cathedral, the College and the Jesuit Church, the palace of the Senate or Cavaretta, Church of the Purgatory in which you can visit all year round, the 20 sculptures of the mysteries, the Regional Museum and the Sanctuary of Pepoli 'Annunziata with the famous statue of "Madonna di Trapani" Nino Pisano (XIV sec.).
Nature Reserve
Between the second half of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century many of the wetlands Trapanese were reclaimed for the meeting needs to health and the growing demand of spaces for agricultural activities.
Despite this profound upheavals and reduction of wetlands, five natural reserves including those established in the province of Trapani fall in correspondence of natural wetlands. Among them certainly took the enormously important strategic reserve "Saline di Trapani and Paceco. In fact, it represents the last bastion for migratory birds that seasonally migrate to Africa across the Strait of Sicily and the first wetland in which they encountered during the return journey in spring, allowing the birds to regain his strength after the long travel and to rest before tackling the dangerous sea journey. Within the Reserve have been well surveyed 208 species of birds, many of them in serious danger of extinction. Among them you can observe Spoonbills (Platalea leucorodia) Flamingos (Phoenicopterus ruber), great white egrets (Egretta alba), Shelduck (Tadorna Tadorna) Avocets (Recurvirostra avocet), Riders of Italy (Himantopus himantopus), Squacco (Ardeola ralloides) and thousands of ducks.
No less important is the role of safeguarding the reserves held sull'erpetofauna. In fact, within the Natural Reserve of Trapani and saline Paceco live a 'wide diversity of amphibians, such as we mention the Green Toad (Bufo viridis) and Discoglosso painting (Discoglossus pictus) as well as reptiles like the lizard (Podarcis sicula ), the Gongilo (Chalcides ocellatus) and Podarcis wagleriana, endemic in Sicily.
The coastal vegetation and waterways are home to several plant species of great scientific interest and conservation. However, even the flora and vegetation in direct contact with the artifacts related to the cultivation of salt are of great interest.
Depending on their status (active, abandoned a few years, abandoned for a decade) and the sectors concerned (bottom, inside edge, outside edge, etc..) Salt can be observed in different species sharing the same space and same ecological requirements. So you can see the succulent plants, vast expanses of glasswort, beautiful Mediterranean brackish coastal grassland dominated by perennial grasses (halophytes) large who find their optimum salt and salty soils as Calendula (Calendula maritime), and submerged plants rooting , typical of brackish coastal waters such as reed beds and tamarisk, and finally the beautiful greenery of the plants psammophilous (or lovers of sand), perfectly adapted to living on sand deposits as Pancratium maritimum and the Mushroom of Malta.
This, coupled to 'opportunity to walk a trail network through which to experience the various stages of salt production and the creation of suitable vantage points to watch birds in their natural environment, makes the visit of the Saline of Trapani and Paceco a unique experience in environments that look "spectacular" and exceptional plants and animals. The
a short walk from a beautiful city like Trapani where you can visit the exhibition space on the very subject of the Saline of Trapani and Paceco and the island of the Dovecote.
In Italy the salt are ancient, the most important ones are precisely those of the Trapani and Cagliari, in conjunction with the others scattered in the Italian coasts.
We know that those of Trapani, probably planted by the Phoenicians, were given a public act in gabelle in 1440. Research has shown that the concessions made by King Alfonso and Ferdinand of Aragon to the feudal lords. reward work they provided during the plague in 1346, are testimony to a growing salt-existing.
Reserve, extended about 987 hectares, was established by the Sicilian Region in 1995 and is being managed to WWF Italy.
The huge expanse of water visible from Erice, facing towards the Egadi is gently separated by darker lines that creating geometries, to give Saline a unique look. The reserve, established to preserve one of the last areas of western Sicily, with its botanical characteristics, its wealth of wildlife, and its wealth of history and work. protection from the threat is unfortunately always the Saline incumbent of uncontrolled urban sprawl and industry.
some salt still preserve the names of the owners planted.
The activity of the salt is a fact not separable by the importance and function of the adjacent port of Trapani as active commercial port. The fame of the salt from Trapani to reach all the ports and markets of the Mediterranean as Trapani was a must for all ships passing along the western and eastern coasts of these seas.
In the work De re metallica, Agricola Giorgio, mineralogist of the sixteenth century, it began to describe the method of extraction of sea salt:
"Everything being prepared and closed communication with the sea, you open the sluice of the tank containing water pure and sea water mixed with rain or river and soon the ditches are full of Salina. then opens the first phlegm that gives access to the ditch to the first basin. Meanwhile the sun concentration, the water lays substances earthy. Then you pass that water in the basin to the next until the heat of the sun, the water condenses and give evidence of more salt. Shortly thereafter opens the phlegm of the basin below. When the waters there remained in a space of time, we come to the last rise in the basin which finally all the water is changed into salt. The first to fill and return the empty while you pull out the rakes of the basin with salt and extracted with shovels. "
The short description and precise technique that records the chair of industrial output: the sea water piped in appropriate tanks undergo successive mergers until, submitted to evaporation, the sodium chloride is crystallized in the bottom of the tanks.
The cycle consists of several successive operations, extensive physical places are put on notice to allow the steps to water indicated by Agricola. Since the substances contained in seawater were multiple (primarily chlorides and sulphates) operations and locations were needed to arrive at a product good enough.
The system was based Saline therefore to move the water by channeling different tanks. In the first series of reservoirs, the waters are still cold. Each tank is called "Cold", this means communicating with ducts fitted with closed following the second set of basins, remains substantial, but less profound than the former. Their name is "raw water tanks" or "Retrocalde.
Other basins Following this, the earlier even less deep, but in increasing numbers. They are connected with the "Retrocalde" from a number of channels fitted with closed, extended length, so as to favor the waters in their slow way to be evaporating. These tanks are called "Ruffian" or "messages".
(29,338 pop.), The ancient city was a center of worship of Aphrodite to the Greeks, bystanders to the Phoenicians, the Romans Venus. Lies on the mountain, 752 m-high, in a strategic position to dominate the west and north-west of Sicily. According to legend the city was founded by Aeneas and his brother Eryx eponymous king. The city was dedicated to his mother Aphrodite, and soon the sanctuary became one of the most important, was attended until the age Byzantine period (sixth century AD.). The Arabs called Gebel-Hamed, the Normans Monte San Giuliano, as he held until 1936, when the then prefect of Trapani Erice wanted her to call. The town retains the medieval urban structure, its streets are paved with rectangular slabs, pebbles to form a set of square shape. The houses have a patio or courtyard, decorated with plants, which is present in the tank and the bowl made from a single block of stone for laundry. In the twelfth century. the Norman castle was built, which today are kept outside the structure of the towers and the perimeter wall. The Cathedral Church dates from the fourteenth century. dedicated Assumption is Gothic-clear mountain outside, the interior has been transformed into an eclectic style in the second half of the nineteenth century. It houses the Centre for Scientific Culture "Ettore Maiorana" whose seminars are followed by scholars and researchers from around the world. Noteworthy is the panoramic view, 360 °, which can be enjoyed from the top of the mountain, with its salt to Trapani, the port in the background the Aegadian towards the valley that stretches to the south planted with olive groves, vineyards, and cereal or to the east with the superb view over the Gulf of Bonogia and Mount Hood. How to get there: From Palermo, runs along the highway A29 towards Trapani, to continue on the road which leads from the mountain. From Trapani you can along two different roads, by the way Fardella the road leads directly to the mountain, the second from Valderice. With the cable car from Trapani. Are very interesting trip: The Mother Church, The Church of San Martino, The Museum, The Castle, The Garden of Balio and his views.
Archipelago Egadi (4137 pop.) Is formed by the islands of Favignana, Levanzo and Maritime, away from Trapani respectively 17, 15 and 38 km. Can be reached by hydrofoil or ferry. In 1991 was established the Marine Protected Area Egadi Islands.
Favignana (19 km2), the old Aegusa, is the largest island, dominated by Mount St. Catherine (314 m), on top of which there is a fortress. In eclectic style is the house late nineteenth-century opera Florio GD Almeyda. Of interest are the caves of tufa landscape and its many coves. In May and June in the waters off the port is carried out the killings, the tuna fishing.
Levanzo, the ancient Phorbantia Of particular interest is the Grotta del Genovese, reached by mule or boat, inside there are depicting prehistoric animals and humans. Among Trapani Levanzo there are the islets and Formica Maraone.
Marettimo (12 km2), the old or Hiera Hieromesus, is the most distant but also the island with the highest peak, Mount Falcon m. 686.
(77,784 pop.) Is the westernmost city in Sicily, stands on the Cape or Boeo Lilibeo. The ancient Punic city of Lilybaeum, founded in 397 BC by the inhabitants of Mozia survived the destruction of their city by Dionysius of Syracuse. The Carthaginian they provided it works for the defense that made it impregnable, was besieged in vain by Pyrrhus and the Romans. The latter could to take possession after the peace treaty that ended the First Punic War (241 BC). It was the administrative center of the Roman Province, hosted as Cicero quaestor. The Arabs called Marsala (ports of Ali or Allah). After a long decline from the eighteenth century. the city has had a new demographic and economic development, encouraged by the arrival of some British entrepreneurs, Woodhouse, Hopps, Ingham and Whitaker, who experimented and developed the production of the wine world renowned Marsala. On May 11, 1860, Giuseppe Garibaldi landed there with his one thousand.
Emergencies artistic, historical, architectural are many: Archaeological Park, the Punic-Roman necropolis, Church of St. John and the Grotto Lilibetana Sibyl, Mother Church, Monumental del Carmine, a monumental complex of San Peter, National Porta, Porta Garibaldi, the Tapestry Museum, the Archaeological Museum, here are the remains of the stern part of the hull of a ship sunk during the Punic naval battle of 241 BC Egadi
Of particular interest is the visit of the cellars Florio, Donna dispelled, and the island of Mozia Pellegrino, also in Holy Week is the procession of the living mystery that takes place on Thursday and Friday.
( 3798 pop.) Lies on the head, once a small fishing village that was formed from the sixteenth century. E 'rightly, for the scenic beauty, for its beach and the sea coveted seaside resort. The small town is built around the Church of San Vito.
Nearby, there is a tourist village Calampiso and the Zingaro Nature Reserve.
city built in the heart of western Sicily, in ancient times knew how to make treaties and formed alliances with the major Mediterranean powers such as Carthage, Athens and Rome. The birth of Segesta has its origins in myth and legend. The city was founded by Aeneas with the native prince named Eceste, was dedicated to the mother of these, the goddess of fertility Ekestas, giving it the same name. It was built on Mount Barbaro, was inhabited by the Elimi, a people of uncertain origin, but which can be defined as a community of ethnic groups, originally from Anatolia, between the Ligurian and Aegean XII. and the XI century. BC arrived in western Sicily and joined, amalgamated, the original inhabitants, the Sicans. It was the most important city of the Elimi, which have in common the choice of site on which to give birth to the city: a hill dominating the surrounding landscape, difficult to access and easily defensible. How to get there: From Palermo, Trapani, Mazara del Vallo along Highway A29, exit at Calatafimi / Segesta to follow the provincial, which leads to the entrance of the Archaeological Park. Entrance hours: from 09.00 am until one hour before sunset.
Selinunte Archaeological Park has an area of \u200b\u200b270 hectares, is the largest in the Mediterranean and Europe. The ancient Selinus was founded in 650 BC (according to Diodorus Siculus) or in 628 BC (according to Thucydides) by Greek colonists from Megara Hyblea, led by the echo Pàmmilo. The city's name drift greek Selinon (parsley). It was the most westerly of the Greek colony in Sicily. Because of its expansionist policy was in conflict with the nearby Segesta and threatened the strategic and economic interests of Carthage. For these reasons, destroyed in 409 BC Punic slaughtering half of the people in bondage and forcing the other half. Re-founded the following year, 408 BC Syracuse dall'esule Hermocrates, the new city was limited to one airline and the acropolis surrounded by new fortifications. How to get there: From Palermo, Trapani, Mazara del Vallo, take the highway A29, exit at Castelvetrano to continue on SS 115, which leads to the entrance of Archaeological Park. From Agrigento, along the SS 115. Entrance hours: from 09.00 am until one hour before sunset.